Employer brand affinity can be defined as your talent audiences’ feelings and emotional connections towards your company as a place to work. Creating and growing employer brand affinity must be your primary goal in employer branding.
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast, I explain what employer brand affinity means and why it needs to be your primary focus as an employer branding practitioner.
What is employer brand affinity?
Employer brand affinity describes the emotional connection individuals in your talent target audiences have for your company as a place to work. The stronger the connection, the stronger the employer brand loyalty.
What this means is your company ultimately positions as the most preferred employer and Top of Mind for talents relevant and ideal for your company.
Why employer brand affinity is so valuable?
Many employer struggle getting their employees to advocate the company to the employees’ networks and peers.
Imagine, if you didn’t even have to ask.
And imagine if employer brand advocacy wasn’t limited to your employees.
When your internal and external talent audiences have a strong emotional connection with your employer brand they are attracted to what your brand represents for them. The stronger the employer brand affinity, the more vocal your audience becomes about your employer brand.
What if you had an external talent audience who publicly identified as your fans, advocated you to their peers also and would jump the chance to become a part of your organization?
We all know about brand loyalty when it comes to for example consumer products we favor. You can achieve the same with employer branding. With modern employer branding.
Promoting your company needs and success stories doesn’t make external talents love you
We all love our people stories and company success stories. Do you know why?
Because we were part of creating those stories. That’s why they matter to us. Having a role in something significant is meaningful to us.
Just because you see something interesting and important doesn’t automatically make it relevant to someone who has no part in it.
I absolutely love the way many organizations are creating recruitment videos and other content to help them hire. However, there is a long way from recruitment marketing to employer brand affinity.
Content and digital marketing are fantastic tools for modern marketing, but they won’t automatically make talents love you. Not even like you.
Creating and growing employer brand affinity is what modern employer branding means. Employer brand affinity is about a mutual belief we share common values, ideologies and beliefs.
These shared values and beliefs contribute to a relationship which tends to grow loyalty and impact your talent audiences’ attitudes, behavior and decisions when it comes to your company.
That’s what building the modern employer brand is.
But before you can even get there, you need to win attention, grow employer awareness and only then, proceed to creating and building employer brand affinity.
You know very well love isn’t the same as a one night stand. It needs time to grow and mature.
Check out this SendPulse video on brand affinity >>
Listen to episode 89 in the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast with Susanna Rantanen
In this episode:
- What is employer brand affinity?
- Why does it need to be your primary focus as an employer branding practitioner?
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