A solid employer branding strategy is vital in today’s rapidly changing work environment. People managers, HR professionals, employer branding specialists and talent acquisition leaders face an increasingly complex challenge of attracting and retaining talent.
The global shift towards remote work and a workforce that demands more empathy, freedom of choice, and a deeper understanding of their role within an organisation has significantly altered the talent attraction and retention landscape.
As a modern leader, you are navigating a world where the traditional markers of job satisfaction and employee engagement are being redefined.
Talents today are not just looking for a job; they seek meaningful work that aligns with their values, offers flexibility, and provides clear communication about goals and expectations.
The rise of remote work has further amplified these demands, creating a gap in the feedback loop between employees, their teams, and line managers.
This new reality has made it increasingly difficult for talents to gauge their performance and understand whether they are on the right path toward achieving their career objectives.
My name is Susanna Rantanen, and I’m here to guide you to make the most of your HR, employer branding and recruitment marketing career so that you can experience professional joy, achievement and success. If you are new to this podcast, welcome my new friend!
If you work in talent attraction, retention, or branding – internal and external employer branding and talent acquisition – then you want to make this podcast part of your weekly routine.
As one of the world’s top employer branding experts and influencers, each week, I invite you with me to the world of modern employer branding with practical, logical and science-based tips to help you convince and convert your relevant talents.
And not just for talent acquisition but also for talent retention, applying the most effective communication methods such as storytelling, persuasive communication and the power of social media.
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, I address the greatest challenge for HR and talent acquisition: talent attraction and retention. I explain why we are struggling with these and how you can start removing yourself and your organisation from these struggles with a simple employer branding strategy making the most of persuasive communication.
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The complexities in the work-life call for a new kind of employer branding strategy
The current talent market is more competitive than ever. We all know this. Even if we put the blinders on, we experience it in our work every single day in one way or another.
Organisations are vying for the attention of a limited pool of highly skilled professionals who have the luxury of choice and are more discerning about where they choose to invest their time and expertise.
And by the way, I’m not only talking about potential job seekers out there. I’m also talking about the people who already work in your organisation. Just because they have a job doesn’t mean they are not a pray for hungry recruiters and sources out there.
This competition has escalated the importance of having a strong, distinctive employer brand that can cut through the noise and attract and retain the right talent.
Right talents are those talents who (continue to) feel strongly about your business purpose and customer promise and connect deeply with your values and ways of work. You want to make sure that they continue to see your organisation as their best place to work despite all the changes that are taking place internally and externally.
You want to make sure that they continue to see your organisation as their best place to work despite all the changes that are taking place internally and externally.
Susanna Rantanen
Right talents also mean your future employees who match what I just explained: the profile of an ideal employee. Not just those you are currently hiring but also those you want to hire over the next couple of years.
Who exactly are your target audiences in employer branding (episode 83)
Two common mistakes to avoid when selecting target audiences for employer branding (episode 84)
How to choose target audiences for employer branding (episode 85)
You want to make sure that you invite your future candidates on a candidate journey with your organisation way before you want to hire them. This is key in a world where work life is being reorganised into new ways of work, and your business is transforming to match the criteria for success of this new era.
You need an employer branding strategy that works as an invitation to a passive candidate’s journey.
You need an employer branding strategy that works as an invitation to a passive candidate’s journey.
Susanna Rantanen
Are you aware of how many organisations struggle to communicate their unique value proposition effectively based on the expectations and standards of this new era?
You only need to google Employee/er Value Propositions and find how few of them actually match with the aspirations and needs of talents of today.
EVPs that focus solely on organisational benefits and career opportunities are outdated and fail to match with talent expectations of this new era.
What is expected from you as an employer is a compelling employer brand narrative that resonates with the aspirations and needs of your current and potential employees.
What is expected from you as an employer is a compelling employer brand narrative that resonates with the aspirations and needs of your current and potential employees.
Susanna Rantanen
Not just about work and their career but especially about their entire life, what I call the work-to-life combination. This combo takes into account the entire life cycle of an employee and how everything at work impacts everything outside work, and how to make sure that we as the employer, can provide them with what they need now and in the future.
This new challenge is compounded by the need for organisations to adapt their messaging to various platforms and mediums to reach their target audience effectively. Internally and externally.
How our minds work when we start to activate as job seekers
What are work-to-life riddles and why you need to know
Using systematic communication in your employer branding strategy to attract and retain talents
The disconnect between the evolving expectations of the workforce and the traditional approaches to employer branding and talent management has created a pressing need for a new strategy.
An employer branding strategy that acknowledges the complexities of the modern work environment and addresses the growing demand for transparency, flexibility, and purpose-driven work.
The pain points are clear: attracting and retaining talent has become a daunting task for HR, marketing, and communications leaders.
The question remains: How can organisations adapt to meet the needs of this new era of workers?
The answer lies in the Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️, a transformative approach designed to guide organisations through the intricacies of building an employer brand that not only attracts but also retains top talent by resonating deeply with their personal and professional aspirations.
Before I introduce the solution, let’s dive deeper into understanding these challenges and recognising the critical role of systematic communication in bridging the gap between organisations and their prospective employees. It is vital that your employer branding strategy convinces the top management to allocate enough resources to solve the talent attraction and retention challenges in a more permanent manner than a campaign will ever do.
It’s time for a method that not only successfully supports organisations with their recruitment needs but also equips HR professionals and leaders with the tools to navigate the complexities of the modern workforce, offering better solutions for management and paving the way towards greater success for the entire organisation.
A revolutionary framework designed for crafting an irresistible employer brand in the times of change
The Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️ is a revolutionary framework designed to empower HR professionals, employer brand managers, and leaders to craft an irresistible employer brand.
This method is not just about filling vacancies; it’s about weaving a compelling narrative that resonates with the aspirations and desires of the modern talent pool.
It’s about positioning your organisation as an eminent choice for discerning talents who are not just looking for a paycheck but a purpose and a community.
The pain points of talent attraction and retention are more pronounced than ever, with remote work blurring the lines of communication and feedback.
Talents are yearning for a sense of direction and acknowledgement, making it crucial for organisations to adopt a systematic approach to communication.
The Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️ offers a solution to these challenges by emphasising the importance of a cohesive, strategic communication framework as your employer branding strategy that works internally and externally – at the same time!
This approach ensures that your employer brand not only attracts but also retains the best talents by providing them with the clarity, recognition, and sense of belonging they crave.
At the heart of this method is the understanding that employer branding strategy is a tool for navigating the complexities of the modern workforce.
It’s about creating a brand that talents are eager to be a part of. One that offers them a clear vision of their career trajectory within the organisation.
By increasing systematic communication, organisations can demystify expectations, celebrate achievements, and foster a culture of inclusivity, recognition, results-orientation and purpose. Providing everyone with a sense of clarity and pride regardless of geographical boundaries.
For those eager to learn more about this groundbreaking approach, I wrote a free PDF titled “Building a Modern Employer Brand: Winning Sustainable Attention in a World Where Talent Attention Is No Longer a Default” is available.
This resource provides an insightful exploration of the Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️, offering a practical view into why we need to rethink employer branding and what I advise you to change in the ways you approach your talent audiences internally and externally when you want them to change the way they think or act. I also share the communication process framework that you can adopt into your organisation.
That’s all for this week, my dear audience!
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Moi moi, see you next week on the same place and at the same time!