An Employer Branding framework gives employer branding professionals a systematic approach to building an employer brand. A modern employer brand that convinces and converts your target talent audience.
What if you had a simple framework to implement and follow for building a modern employer brand for your organisation?
What if you could remove the stress and anxiety of not knowing exactly what needs to be done to achieve your desired employer brand perceptions?
What if I could give you this framework and help you plan and execute, as planning is not enough to build an employer brand?
We can plan all we can, but nothing changes unless we implement and execute.
No results will be delivered, we gain no value from all the planning we’ve done unless we execute.
Tell me, which one are you?
Are you a planner who needs someone to keep you accountable for the execution?
Or would you execute if someone helped you to plan first?
I have great news!
Listen to this episode because what you will learn is going to help you, no matter if you are a planner or an executor!
Listen to episode #138 The Modern Employer Branding Framework You’ve Been Looking For
In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, I share with you what success looks like when you implement the Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️ as a framework in your work.
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What is the Modern Employer Branding Framework?
This Modern Employer Branding Framework is named Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️.
It includes:
- The strategic framework outlining your key strategic decisions and goals.
- An easy-to-implement employer brand marketing content plan.
These suit organisations that prefer to separate short-term recruitment campaigns from long-term employer branding.
For those organisations where talent acquisition is responsible for employer branding, our method has another framework.
The Instant Employer Brand Accelerator™️ framework combines recruitment marketing and communication with employer brand marketing.
This framework is designed to help you accelerate employer branding recruitment process by recruitment process.
Both types of Modern Employer Branding Frameworks apply content and social media marketing to grow awareness, build employer brand affinity and convert specified business value from the marketing efforts.
What types of employers benefit from this method?
The difference between conventional employer branding and modern employer branding
Over two decades ago, when I started working in HR, employer branding was nothing more than a little bit more expansive recruitment campaign or an ad in a Sunday newspaper.
Can you believe that!
I can’t believe I’m that old that’s what my work was about once!
The purpose of that old way was to get more applications.
We advertised to get more attention and awareness for the recruitment need so that the company would get more applications.
Many organisations continue to believe effective employer branding equals crafting your EVP, designing a modern career site and creating a few recruitment videos and other campaign content.
3 reasons why the conventional “employer branding” is no longer effective
#1 A short recruitment campaign fails to build your employer brand
Thinking this is all there is to employer branding makes your company miss out on real employer brand potential.
A recruitment campaign cannot build alone your employer brand.
It can shine attention on your recruitment need and get lots of interest. But that interest is difficult to convert into anything other than applications to that specific recruitment campaign.
You’ll need to redo the campaign again to get applications another time for another need.
#2 Recruitment campaigns target active job seekers. What about your ideal, passive target audience?
A recruitment campaign alone wins, at most, the attention of active job seekers who find your company exciting and are currently applying for jobs.
Maybe your ideal candidates are not actively on the lookout at the same time and miss your campaign and opportunity.
If you only market when you need to hire, who is to say the people you want to hire are even changing jobs when you hire?
#3 Social media and digital marketing have drastically changed our human behavior
- We are less willing to pay attention to anything that doesn’t immediately seem interesting.
- Because of social media, we have lost many reasons to visit career sites and google for employers.
- Unless your company meets us on socials, I may never know about you.
- We want more human interactions and want to get to organisations like people before we are willing to commit.
- The more experienced we are, the more we want to minimise the risk of making a wrong employment decision. The more conventional employer branding does not respond to this need at all.
- We make contacts and connections on social media.
- We pursue employers and talent acquisition people that we have become familiar with in social media. If your company is not there, it’s almost like you don’t even exist.
The Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️ helps you to go where your target audience is building trust and relationships through content and conversations.
How does the Magnetic Employer Branding Method™️ work?
Everything starts with making key decisions we document into your company’s Strategic Employer Brand Framework.
These strategic key decisions include:
- Your key target segments for employer branding
- Key goals, measurable objectives and Key Performance Indicators
- Your desired employer brand perceptions
- The Key Story Themes for your employer brand marketing
- What media and channels do you focus on with this work
Once you have these confirmed, we help you create your employer brand content plan.
This is followed by helping you to implement your new employer branding strategy focusing on systematic content and social media marketing.
As this is data-driven talent marketing, weekly to monthly data and analysis is imperative in learning what works, inspiring you to execute and driving the results you set out for.
This method gives you the framework and a systematic approach to implementing and executing your plan week to week.
What does success look like when you commit to building your modern employer brand?
When you have consistently committed to building a modern employer brand, success will come to you in the following forms:
- Highly engaged talent audience who advocate and recommend you to their peers and engage with you and your content.
- Increasing traffic to your website and career site content.
- The perks of organic social media impact.
- Regular inbound recruitment leads from talents that are a very good match to your hiring needs, your company values and your culture.
- My agency gets regular business leads and invitations for sales meetings from prospective customers due to the same branding work!
- Your current employees become better aware of your business values, culture, mission, vision, customer promise and where your company is heading
- This framework can also be used to shift your company culture or support implementing your new business strategy!
- You can even cut down the time needed on onboarding and getting new employees productive as they get to learn about you through the employer brand content you share!
What if you don’t apply this framework and method and continue with traditional acts of employer branding?
You spend a lot of resources on random and ad hoc talent marketing unlikely to convert recruitment leads. Or, not helping your HR and leaders to engage and commit your employees to your business goals, strategies and culture.
Creating appealing recruitment campaigns every time you hire takes up much more time and other resources. Yet you reach very limited audiences in comparison to reaching your target audiences with active employer branding.
Content and social media marketing easily get overwhelming and turn into random acts of ad hoc marketing unless you are strategic about it.
Furthermore, you’ll have no idea if any of your messages even work because you don’t know what success should look like for your company.
This tends to be the reason why you don’t get a proper budget for employer branding.
The management doesn’t understand what value the investment can deliver. You have no case to prove to them that what you do is turning into gold for the business.
When with this modern approach, you do.
This modern employer branding framework summarized for you
- A strategic and systematic content and social media marketing approach to building a Magnetic Employer Brand.
- A system enabling spearing you from the pain of not knowing what to post, saving you lots of time.
For those of you working in talent acquisition.
Sometimes you must build the employer brand in unison with your recruitment campaigns. For you, I designed The Instant Employer Brand Accelerator™️.
This framework gives you a plan to accelerate your employer brand recruitment campaign by recruitment campaign.
The way I designed it, you can still maintain the effectiveness of data-driven content and social media marketing.
My name is Susanna Rantanen.
I teach branding, marketing and communications for the HR Industry professionals like you who want to build a successful career and get the good life you dream of!
Come back next week for more branding, marketing and communications juice!
Moi moi!
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