The difference between employer branding goals and recruitment marketing goals [podcast #101]

Blog header #101 The difference between employer branding goals and recruitment marketing goals  - Building a modern, magnetic employer brand podcast with Susanna Rantanen

Your Employer Branding goals are not the same as your recruitment marketing goals. And your recruitment marketing goals are not the same as your recruitment goals.

Many organizations mistake employer branding with a recruitment marketing campaign content.

An attractive employer brand will help you with hiring success. The employer branding work just needs to be done way before you press “publish” on the job post.

Understanding the differences between employer branding and recruitment marketing goals helps you return more value from both of these activities.

In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast, you learn the what are the exact differences between employer branding goals and recruitment marketing goals.

What employer branding goals look like

First of all, you need to stop thinking Employer Branding as a temporary campaign when it is a strategic process.

Employer branding goals are very simple to remember

  1. Growing employer awareness (=developing your specific employer image)
  2. Building employer brand affinity (=employer branding)
  3. Converting employer brand value back to the organization.

The purpose of employer branding is to become the only viable option for those talents your organization needs for business success. Internally and externally.

It’s a waste of your employer branding budget when you use it to create marketing collateral for a recruitment campaign.

The purpose of employer branding is not to fill open vacancies

Your employer brand is what your organization stands for and what that symbolizes for the talents your business needs in the years to come.

Employer Branding begins with developing a specific, memorizable employer image.

It then continues with creating repetitive employer brand experiences that pursue emotional connections between your organization and your relevant talents.

And it ends with converting employer brand value to your organization.

You should always target employer branding to inactive job seekers because once your ideal target audience activates as job seekers, they have a problem and they are looking for the best solution. If your company isn’t already positioned as their best solution, you are too late.

Commitment to your organization through specific, meaningful employer brand experiences keeps away the desire to choose some other company. And this works both internally and externally.

Understanding what’s pushing talents – The Work to Life Riddles

How our minds work when we activate as job seekers

Image Becoming strategic with employer branding and recruitment marketing online course at Talent Marketing School

What recruitment marketing goals look like

Recruitment campaigns have a clear goal: To maximize the number of quality applicants as quickly as possible to get the selection process started.

This can be achieved during a recruitment campaign with three types of messages:

  1. The purpose of the role, key objectives for the role and what it takes to succeed in this role.
  2. How choosing your business adds short and long term value for the ideal candidate.
  3. What you want the job seeker to do next (that will make it very easy for them to follow through and send that application).

And you repeat these messages until the end of the application period to increase the success in the following key recruitment campaign objectives:

  • Grow awareness you are hiring for this specific role right now and it’s time to move forward.
  • Push relevant job seekers to consider and re-consider until they are ready to convert to an applicant.
  • Help them to convert with minimum effort and maximum value for both parties.

Goals, objectives and metrics in hiring

How to measure success in a recruitment campaign

Why it benefits you to keep recruitment marketing and employer branding separate

Too many organizations limit the potential value of their employer branding to recruitment campaigns when building a truly effective employer brand goes way beyond hiring.

How employees feel about the company they work for and choose to work for is becoming more and more critical to profitable business success. This is what you do employer branding for.

When you get applicants, but find it regularly a struggle to get the kinds your business really needs, you have an employer branding problem.

If your campaigns are unable to convert any applicants, you have a recruitment marketing problem.

When you limit employer branding to recruitment campaigns, you miss out on the real value of employer branding.

However, this should not stop you from creating wonderful campaigns for talent acquisition. Just keep your focus on the active, relevant job seekers and how you can best convince them to send that application by the end of deadline.

And if you do want to influence your employer brand during hiring, focus on creating the best candidate experiences you possibly can. Great candidate experiences influence your employer brand way more than any recruitment marketing collateral.

Online course image Effective candidate communication online course for impacting employer brand and hooking your candidates

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