How to measure success in hiring, part 1/2 [podcast #29]

How to measure success in hiring Building a modern employer brand podcast by Susanna Rantanen

Understanding and optimizing your hiring success is really important because recruiting is an expensive sequence of activities.

Recruiting someone who later turns out to be “not an ideal” recruit makes that recruitment process even more expensive.

The challenge with failed recruiting is that it slows business and ends up costing the company much more than just the recruiting costs.

Hiring success is more than a signed employment contract

It seems like, most companies consider a signed employment contract as the only success worth measuring. But what if you fail to deliver that signed employment contract?

Unless you measure your success in all significant parts of the recruitment process, you won’t know where you succeed, where you might fail and what exactly led you not to deliver the expected outcome.

There is a lot more to hiring success than did we or did we not succeed in signing a new contract.

If you only measure the number of signed contracts, are you recruiting the talent you really need or are you recruiting the talents you get?

What if that signed new employee left the company during the first few months? Or by the end of year one? Would you still consider that recruitment process a success?

As an employer and a business owner, I would not.

Check out this blog post I wrote about How to evaluate and optimize your hiring success >>


In this episode of Building a Modern Employer Brand I address this topic and discuss the many aspects of measuring success in hiring.

Episode length: 29:05 min

In this episode:

  • What success in hiring really means?
  • How to measure hiring?
  • How to figure out first your strengths and weaknesses in overall hiring.

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