How our minds work when we start to activate as job seekers [podcast #67]

job seekers

It looks like employers tend to think their ideal talents activate as job seekers the minute the recruitment process begins.

That is hardly ever the case.

In fact, the odds are so small you might as well buy a lottery ticket and expect to win the grand prize.

That’s why you need to position yourself as a magnetic place to build and further a career for your ideal talents. And this needs to start a long before your ideal talent becomes an active job seeker.

Because by then, you might be too late.

Before becoming an active job seeker

There are tons of reasons why people change jobs and only a few are as obvious as:

  • I’m unemployed and I desperately need a job.
  • I am on a temporary contract and I need a new job once this ends.
  • I graduate soon and I need a job.
  • I must have a placement for next term.
  • I’m looking for a summer job.

The not-so-obvious reasons come in many shapes and forms. I spoke about the work-to-life riddles in this episode and the complimentary blog post >>

Many of the reasons pushing us towards career changes impact the unconscious mind a long before we recognize it ourselves.

Eventually our unconscious mind starts to introduce those signs to the conscious mind.

We start to pay more attention to people and businesses triggering our personal and professional aspirations.

Welcome to the “winning attention” -phase on the Candidate Journey of the Information Era©.

Talent Marketing School

Activating our minds towards new career opportunities

We all have been there: “I’m in no hurry to change, but if something interesting enough comes up, I might be interested.”

Even though we now are conscious about the upcoming change in our life, we may not be in any rush.

We are simply on the look out zone.

This is the time when we begin to grow our awareness of the direction we want to move towards. Often times, this phase has more to do with our professional interests and aspirations than any specific company.

Employers who build their employer brand according to my Magnetic Employer Branding Method© use a lot of educational and professionally inspiring content to catch attention and grow awareness at this stage.

It works much better because the minds of the talents are building a mind map of professional and personal aspirations not about career opportunities just yet.

Connecting minds leads into employer brand affinity

The more and more a talent becomes fascinated by the free content, inspiration and education your company seems to generously make available, the more likely this person is to become fond of you as their value-add source.

This is where the building of a Magnetic Employer Brand© truly speeds up.

Now we are connecting minds with your mission and how your company is likely to contribute to a more meaningful future for them.

Talents become more and more curious about what is this company and who are these people that inspire me so much and have given me a clear professional direction.

Talents become more and more curious about what is this company and who are these people that inspire me so much and have given me a clear professional direction.

This is the point where their attention is geared more and more often towards what your company is about and what you might be able to offer them in the long run.

The affinity is built through the alignment of hearts and souls however sugary it may sound.

It just takes place in a much deeper level.

When the values match, the purpose matches, the ways of work sounds like I would build a workplace if I was in that position, the minds start to match with the mission.

Download my eBook: The Magnetic Employer Brand© – Business Storytelling to Matching Talent Minds with Your Mission >>

Candidate journey of the information era

Conversions into your applicants and candidates happen naturally when the time is right

The step to start talking careers with your ideal talents takes place naturally when your employer branding has been nurturing their minds until the moment the time is right for them.

This makes the final step on the Candidate Journey of the Information Era©.

Especially in the more competitive talent markets, timing your hiring and the need of your ideal talent to change jobs right now is nearly impossible.

The more in demand the talent is due to their professional profile, the less time they spend in the actual “making career decisions right now” phase.

The only way to hire the talents your company needs is to invite them on a candidate journey with your company a long before they become an active job seeker

Listen to episode #67 of the Building a Modern Employer Brand podcast

In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast, I decode the unconscious and conscious journey taking place in a talent’s mind when they become ready and open for new opportunities on the job market.

Understanding this often times a lengthy journey offers multiple touchpoint for an employer to invite the talent into a Candidate Journey of the Information Era© with their company.

Episode-length:  27:39 min

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