7 tips on getting started with your recruiter brand [podcast #21]

For someone working and building a career with ambition in recruiting and talent acquisition, a personal recruiter brand can be an extremely valuable asset.

But how to get started with your own professional brand as a recruiter?

Episode 21 of Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast goes through 7 tips on how to get started with the process. There are plenty more ways, paths, ideas and tips. But if you are curious, but just don’t know what to do next, take a look at my list and see any of in it may be of help to you.

7 tips on getting started with your personal recruiter brand

Tip 1: Choose 5-10 keywords for your brand

A brand is something we associate specific descriptive words to. These are the words you want people to associate with who you are as a professional recruiter and the person behind the professional recruiter.

These keywords are something that people will ideally come to connect with you when your brand is working and in action. Remember, they must be true and you must be able to portray these words through your behavior, actions and words.

Tip 2: Google “social selling” and start learning about the topic

Tip 3: Write a list of topics you could regularly talk about and for example blog about

Building a professional recruiter brand is not about sharing content about your leisure time activities. It’s about sharing content about those 5-10 keywords you chose. But the content itself can be expanded to:

  • Informational content (“what is”)
  • Inspirational content (“how to” briefly but also examples of outcome)
  • Educational content (“how to” in more detail)
  • Entertaining content (behind your work scenes, but also little, selective doses of behind who you are as a person)

Tip 4: Focus on being pleasant and likable to your audiences

Brand is the outcome of emotions attached to the “object” of the brand – you. People will like you only if you give them reasons to like you. When you repeatedly give them reasons to really like you, they start to choose you over others. That is when your brand starts returning value to you.

Tip 5: What are some of your strengths that can be useful in social media?

  • Are you good at writing? Longer blog posts or short social media posts?
  • Are you good at making videos?
  • Are you good at talking?
  • Do you prefer to comment and discuss with people on social media?
  • Are you good at taking nice photos?

There are many ways to take advantage of social media when building our own brand. When you get started, do what you like to do best. Don’t spend time on activities that doesn’t feel right or feel like a burden to you. You want to feel that flow!

Tip 6: Follow and learn from inspiring influencers and other social media users

I love, love following influencers of all sorts on social media, especially on Instagram and Facebook. I follow everyone who inspire me. It doesn’t matter if they are in a different trade or industry. I follow them to learn how they do it!

Tip 7: Start an idea’s bucket

Ideation is a skill that anyone can learn if they just put their mind to it. The more you practice ideation, the more you start to pay attention to and pick ideas around you. Trello Board is free and an excellent tool for building your own idea’s bucket. You can even look if there are existing templates that please and inspire your ideation! Go to trello.com and get started!

Self-branding requires a routine

It takes time to build an audience and give them enough reasons to start to follow you, engage with you and learn to like you a lot. So you need to make it a habit to do tasks to help you to reach your goals and objectives.

The idea’s bucket is one. Schedule a weekly 10 mins to ideate. Look for ideas, what other people do and create a card for that idea on your Trello Board.

Schedule another 15 mins a week to create a new post on your selected social media.

Schedule another 15 mins a week to look for inspiring people to follow and connect with and make a habit to check out what they have recently posted.

And soon, you want to schedule more time! And that’s when the magic will start to happen.

Why should you build a recruiter brand? Check out last week’s episode & blog post to find out why >>

Building a modern employer brand podcast 7 tips on getting started with your recruiter brand
Podcast #21 header

Listen to the episode and my more detailed take on these seven tips on the podcast:

This episode on Soundcloud >>

Find the podcast and all the episodes on Spotify >>

Episode-length: 33:36 min

About Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast

Building a Modern Employer Brand-podcast is a weekly podcast bringing you a modern breath of air into HR marketing and employer branding. 

This podcast is dedicated to all modern growth companies and modern employer branding practitioners who want to really influence their talent audiences and add measurable value to growing and scaling modern businesses with HR marketing and employer branding.

The Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast is sponsored by Employee Experience Agency Emine and scripted & hosted by Susanna Rantanen.

Find this podcast currently on Soundcloud and Spotify.

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